Scholastic Golden Key Show

This image by Morgen Olsen shows a persons legs hanging over the edge of a pool. The ladder of the pool comes down and the camera angle is looking almost directly up at the sky. The subject in my opinion would be the legs because thats what you attention is drawn to when you first look at the piece. The most striking aspect of the piece would be the legs hanging down as if they are coming out from the lip of the pool and they fill the empty space of the sky. The photo was taken looking straight up making it seem like the feet were going down instead of out. The ladder is coming at you in the picture with the sun reflecting off of the metal. The photo makes me feel like the subject in the photo will fall in some way. A couple questions that I had were: where was this photo taken and what kind of camera and editing the photographer used? I really like the bugs eye view perspective and I might want to try it myself.


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