Fine Art Portrait and Editorial Portrait

Fine Art -

Photo by Marc Lagrange                                           Photo by Eve Arnold

I enjoyed both of these photos and thought that they were a good representation of what a fine art portrait should look like. They both show some kind of emotion, the one on the left had a confident subject and the one on the right showed a happier mood. In the photo by Marc Lagrange he made the background blend with the shirt of the subject making her head and arms standout. Eve Arnold demonstrated a contrast between the subjects face and background with many gray tones.

Editorial -

Photo by Mark Mitchell

                                                            Photo by Headshot London

I liked both of these editorial picture because they have character to them and show more about the subject and their interests or involvements. They both show something that draws the reader in and makes them curious about what they think or feel about their objects in the photo. They both look like they could be on the cover of magazines for food. The lighting and the scene of the photos were well coordinated and complimented what the pictures were showing. 

Fine art and Editorial portraits both show people and expressions. Fine art takes a more approach that is more focused on the subject and less on the surroundings, while editorial has a fuller focus and the surrounding around the subject has more meaning to the photo. 


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