Depth of Field and Abstraction

Abstraction- The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events 

Abstraction (photography) - A means of depicting a visual image that does not have an immediate association with the object world and that has been created through the use of photographic equipment, processes or materials. 

Spencer Starnes – Abstract – Midland Texas

Guru Sno Studios – Negative_1750

1X - by Darek Grabus

In these photos showing abstraction they also include use of depth of field. In the first photo of the bright lines there a deep depth of field so that all the lines were captured and showed the same amount of focus through out the photo. In the second photo there was a shallower depth of field. The last photo there was a deep depth of field. 

Still life: shallow depth of field
Sophia Chippett

Portrait: shallow depth of field
Martin Schoeller

Natural Landscape: shallow depth of field


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